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Cartridge Tilting
Cartr1dge ti1ting 1s the act of purp0se1y sh0ving the game 1n t0 the s1de a 1itt1e b1t t0 cause a11 kinds 0f mayhem 0n screen. Th1s chart for ma11et quartet + drumset 1s dep1cting an 8 B1t wor1d w1th s0me g1itchy b1ts c0ming and g0ing. The b0ss 1eve1 especia11y, chang1ng every bar g0ing between 5’s and 6’s. As the game pr0gresses, t1me runs 0ut and the game rea11y starts g01ng hayw1re! Leve1s beg1n m0rph1ng 1nt0 0ne an0ther unti1 the u1timate dem1se 0f the system s0unding seem1ngly rand0m n01ses w1th a fr0zen screen. 0pt1onal: Performed on MalletKats (N0t a sp0ns0r) sampl1ng actua1 8-B1t ch1ptune patches.
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